This technique is great for overcoming objections around cost.
Simply break down the price of what you’re selling. Until you end up with the smallest possible and practical amount. Then compare the result to an everyday item your audience uses.
Let’s say you’re selling a monthly subscription service. It’s £30 a month, so you break that down into £1 a day. Imagine you’re targeting retired people. You know many still read newspapers. So you could try:
“Subscribe for less than the price of your daily newspaper.”
Imagine you’re targeting commuters. Coffee is the classic comparison. You’ve probably seen ads like this:

Maybe you can’t think of an everyday product? Perhaps you’re selling to B2B execs who focus on value over cost? No problem.
Here’s how Shopify promote their annual subscriptions:
Of course, yearly billing means a bigger upfront payment. Shopify soften the hit by showing the price per month. They also add a strikethrough to remind you how much you’re saving.