· 22 min read

20 Best Businesses That Run Themselves for Passive Income While You Sleep

20 Best Businesses That Run Themselves for Passive Income While You Sleep

With the hustle and bustle of today's world, finding ways to earn money while you sleep seems like a dream come true. But is it really possible? Can you actually build a business that runs itself, generating income even as you snooze?

The answer is a resounding yes! Welcome to our guide on 20 auto-pilot businesses for passive income. These are business models that require minimal effort on your part once they're up and running.

So whether you're looking to supplement your income or replace your 9 to 5 job altogether, these passive income opportunities could be just what you're looking for. Let's dive in and explore these exciting ventures together.

Affiliate Marketing

Turn your knack for recommendations into a revenue-generating machine. That's the magic of affiliate marketing. It's a simple concept but a potentially profitable one. You partner with companies and promote their products or services through unique affiliate links. Every time a sale originates from your referral, you earn a commission. Sounds like a dream, right?

Affiliate marketing is a low-maintenance business idea that can generate a steady flow of passive income.

The best part? You don't need to create your own products. Instead, you earn commissions on sales generated through your unique affiliate links. Thus, there's minimal upfront investment required.

However, affiliate marketing is not a walk in the park. It requires a strategic approach, a sharp eye for profitable affiliate programs, and a knack for creating engaging, high-quality content that drives traffic. Remember, the more traffic you attract, the higher your chances of earning commissions.

Take the example mentioned in the source, a 17-year-old founder who built an affiliate marketing platform. Despite a rocky start and significant debt, the founder managed to turn the tables by focusing on building an audience around the product.

The founder's strategy revolved around posting valuable content about affiliate marketing on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. The result? A company that's now generating impressive revenue.

If you're considering diving into affiliate marketing, it's crucial to invest time into understanding and choosing profitable affiliate programs. You'll also need to set up a marketing strategy to promote these programs effectively.

Remember, the key to success in affiliate marketing is creating engaging, high-quality content that drives traffic and allows you to excel in this competitive market.

So, ready to turn your influence into income? Begin your affiliate marketing journey now and watch the passive income pour in as your business runs on auto-pilot.

Amazon FBA

credit: Linkedin

After you've dipped your toes into the world of affiliate marketing, it's time to venture into another lucrative avenue of passive income - Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). Imagine setting up a business where you don't have to worry about storage, packaging, or shipping. Sounds too good to be true? Well, that's the magic of Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA: Your 24/7 Money-Making Machine

Amazon FBA is one of the best businesses that run themselves, making it an ideal choice for busy professionals looking for passive income streams. In this business model, you source a product, list it on Amazon, and ship your inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers. Once a customer places an order, Amazon takes care of the rest - from storage and packing to shipping and customer service.

A key advantage of the Amazon FBA model is the ability to leverage Amazon's vast customer base. With millions of users already browsing the platform with the intent to purchase, you can tap into this ready-made audience and generate passive income around the clock.

The Cost of Convenience

While Amazon FBA simplifies the selling process, it's essential to note that it's not free. Amazon charges a fee for handling your products, which varies based on the size and weight of the item. Despite this cost, many entrepreneurs find the convenience and access to a broad customer base worth the investment.

Setting Up Your Amazon FBA Business

Getting started with Amazon FBA might seem daunting, but with a bit of research and planning, it can become a smooth process. Begin by identifying a profitable product that you can sell for a decent margin. Once you've decided on the product, source it in bulk, create compelling listings on Amazon, and ship your inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

While it might take some time to see significant profits initially, the potential for high returns makes Amazon FBA an attractive option for those seeking businesses that run themselves. With Amazon handling the heavy lifting, you can sleep easy knowing your business is generating passive income even while you're off the clock.

Ready to unlock the potential of Amazon FBA? Check out this guide on how to start an Amazon FBA business with minimal investment.

In the next section, we'll explore another online business model that's making waves in the passive income sphere - dropshipping. Stay tuned!


Credit: Shopify

Swap the hustle and bustle of traditional retail for the digital storefronts of dropshipping. This e-commerce method offers an attractive platform for generating passive income while you sleep. With the right strategy in place, dropshipping can become a powerful auto-pilot business that brings in revenue round the clock.

Understanding Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product. This business model minimizes risk, removes the need for inventory storage, and significantly reduces the upfront costs, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs looking for low barrier-to-entry businesses.

Setting Up a Dropshipping Business

If web design isn't your forte, setting up an online store for your dropshipping business might sound daunting. But don't let that hold you back. Platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce offer pre-made templates and easy-to-follow guides that can help you set up a functional e-commerce platform without breaking the bank. Some connected eCommerce practitioners have claimed that with just $100, you may strike out on your own and be completely independent.

The key to a successful dropshipping business lies in finding reliable suppliers. Connective eCommerce, for example, helps you find suppliers that will send your items directly to your customers, thereby removing the need for inventory storage. This lets you focus more on marketing and customer service, which are critical areas for driving sales and growing your business.

Promoting Your Dropshipping Business

Your dropshipping store's success hinges on effective product promotion. But that doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune on advertising. There are plenty of free strategies you can use to drive traffic to your store. Once you've validated your business and fine-tuned your store's settings, products, and copy, you can consider expanding through paid advertising.

To make the most out of your dropshipping business, you need to keep an eye on the latest trends and adjust your product offerings accordingly. Utilize SEO and social media marketing to increase visibility and drive traffic to your store. Always remember, the more eyes on your products, the higher the chances of making a sale.

Freedom and Flexibility

One of the significant advantages of dropshipping is the freedom and flexibility it offers. With dropshipping, you can run your business from anywhere, at any time. Whether you're at home, in a coffee shop, or traveling the world, as long as you have internet access, you can manage your business.

In conclusion, dropshipping is a fantastic way to generate passive income while maintaining a flexible lifestyle. It's an ideal side hustle for individuals juggling other responsibilities, as it can be built and grown at your own pace.

Ready to dive into dropshipping? Check out this guide on how to start a dropshipping business. In the next section, we'll look at how YouTube channels can become a source of passive income. Stay tuned!

YouTube Channels

YouTube Channels

Lights, camera, passive income! YouTube has become a powerhouse platform for generating residual income while catching some Z's. This isn't about instant gratification, though. Establishing a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort upfront, but once you've created quality content and gained a substantial following, the passive income potential can be significant.

How YouTube Channels Generate Revenue

Revenue on YouTube is generated primarily through ad revenue, sponsorships, and product creation. Once your channel has a sufficient number of subscribers and consistent viewer engagement, you can earn money even when you're not actively creating content. As you sleep, viewers around the world can be watching your videos, generating ad revenue on your behalf.

The Power of Evergreen Content

The key to passive income through YouTube lies in creating evergreen content - videos that remain relevant and valuable over time. This could range from how-to guides and tutorials to insightful commentary on timeless topics. Evergreen content can attract viewers and generate income long after the video has been published.

Leveraging YouTube for Passive Income

Getting started with a YouTube channel involves identifying a niche you're passionate about and creating engaging, high-quality content for it. Consistency is crucial in building and maintaining an audience. As your subscriber base grows, so does your potential for ad revenue and sponsorships.

Don't underestimate the power of product creation, either. YouTubers often create their own products, like merchandise or online courses, providing another stream of passive income. On Douyin, TikTok’s Chinese counterpart, 18.5 million viewers tuned in to watch a man sleep. He earned over $4,000 while he slept.

The Bottom Line

While starting a YouTube channel requires initial effort, the potential for earning passive income makes it an appealing option for auto-pilot businesses. The combination of ad revenue, sponsorships, and product sales can provide a steady income stream that keeps flowing even while you're off the clock.

Up next, we'll explore the potential of membership sites for passive income. Keep reading!

Membership Sites

Credit: Ghost

Membership sites are a goldmine for passive income if you can tap into the right niche. These sites offer exclusive content, tools, or a community in exchange for a monthly or annual fee. After creating the site and membership structure, income can flow quite passively with membership fees rolling in on autopilot.

To succeed with a membership site, you need to provide real value to your members. This could be in the form of online courses, forums, or other forms of engaging content. From cooking sites to photography communities, the themes that offer real value do well. And the good news is that you can even outsource content creation after the launch if you want to make the business even more hands-off.

Building an engaged user base is essential for passive income from memberships to flow consistently. It's not just about attracting members, but also keeping them engaged and continually seeing value in their membership. This often requires some content creation and community management, but once established, it can be a true hands-off business.

While setting up a membership site might require initial effort and investment, the potential for passive income makes it an appealing option. As the site grows and attracts more members, the income becomes more stable and predictable. Membership sites thus offer a fantastic opportunity to earn money while you sleep, providing you with a steady stream of income that requires minimal ongoing effort.

Stay tuned as we dive into the next auto-pilot business option that can bring in passive income, selling digital products.

Selling Digital Products

credit: Gumgroad

Wave goodbye to sleepless nights worrying about inventory or shipping deadlines. Embrace the world of digital products, a business model that truly runs itself, offering an excellent stream of passive income.

This type of business involves creating and selling digital goods that require no physical production or distribution. Digital products can include everything from eBooks, online courses, printables, art prints, photography, software, apps, and much more. Once created, these products can continue to generate revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

Online Courses

For instance, if you have a specific skill or knowledge that others might find valuable, consider creating an online course. Platforms like Teachable allow you to host your course without needing your own website.

You'll need to put in some work upfront to create the course material, but once that's done, you can sit back and watch the income roll in as people sign up and pay for your course.

Consider the example of photography enthusiasts. Many photographers have successfully turned their passion into a profitable online course, teaching others the art of capturing stunning images. The best part? Once the course is set up, it can generate money for years to come without any additional work.

Taking your design skills to the digital world can also be a great way to generate passive income. Platforms like Printful or Printify allow you to create and sell custom-designed products like t-shirts, canvas bags, and more.

All you need to do is set up a storefront and allow the print-on-demand company to handle the production and shipping. This way, you can focus on creating unique designs without worrying about inventory or shipping.

Digital Product Sales on Etsy

Another avenue for selling digital products is through Etsy. You can create and sell printables like planner pages, workbooks, or party planners. Sasha Hutchison, for instance, has managed to generate $11K per month through Etsy printables and coaching.

While it might take time to create the products and set up your store, once that's done, your products can continue to sell without any additional effort from your side.

Stock Photography

If you're a photography enthusiast, selling stock photography could be an ideal passive income stream.

By uploading your photos to platforms like Shutterstock or Getty Images, you can earn a royalty each time someone purchases a license to use your work. As your portfolio grows, so does your potential for passive income.

App Development

In the digital age, mobile app development can also be a lucrative business. If you can create an app that solves a problem or entertains users, you can earn money through in-app purchases, subscriptions, or advertising. Once your app is launched, it can continue to generate income with minimal ongoing effort.

In conclusion, selling digital products presents various opportunities to generate passive income.

While each of these avenues requires initial effort in product creation and setup, once these stages are complete, these businesses truly run themselves, allowing you to earn money while you sleep. Up next, we'll look into the world of vending machines as an auto-pilot business.

Vending Machines

Vending Machines

Ever enjoyed a snack or drink from a vending machine during a late-night study session or a short break at work? Behind that machine is a business owner earning passive income.

Vending machines are the unsung heroes of the autopilot business world, serving up convenience 24/7 with minimal active management required.

Starting Your Vending Machine Business

Setting up a vending machine business requires an initial investment in machines and product inventory. However, the costs can be managed by starting small. A single machine can range between $1,000 to $6,000 or more, depending on its size and features. Plus, you'll need to budget for purchasing snacks or beverages to stock the machines initially.

Choosing Ideal Locations

The success of this business model greatly depends on securing suitable locations for your vending machines. High-traffic areas like offices, schools, gyms, hotels, and convenience stores are ideal spots that can ensure constant sales.

Keeping The Machines Stocked

After placing your vending machines, your main responsibility is to keep them stocked. This task can be outsourced over time to maximize the hands-off nature of this business.

Maintenance and Repairs

Occasionally, vending machines may require maintenance or repair. Most of these needs can be handled by providers, leaving you free to enjoy your passive income.

Automating and Scaling Your Vending Machine Business

Once your vending machines are up and running, the real beauty of this low-maintenance operation shines through.

With a well-designed system, you can streamline restocking and repair tasks, ensuring a smooth operation that continues to generate revenue with minimal effort on your part. As profits allow, you can scale up by investing in more machines and expanding to additional locations.

In Conclusion

In the world of auto-pilot businesses, vending machines are a standout option. They offer a scalable model with 24/7 income potential. With the right locations and regular restocking, vending machines can dispense a steady stream of passive income for years to come.

In the next section, we'll explore another auto-pilot business that capitalizes on a basic necessity: laundromats. Stay tuned as we continue to delve into the world of businesses that make money while you sleep.



Washing Away Financial Stress with Laundromats

Imagine a business that earns a tidy sum while providing a crucial service that everyone needs. Enter the laundromat, a quintessential example of a business that can run itself for passive income while you sleep.

The Initial Investment

Starting a laundromat is not for the faint-hearted, as it requires a significant initial investment. The costs include securing a location, equipping it with commercial-grade washers and dryers, which can amount to at least $200,000. However, once you've set up your laundromat, you're on the road to creating a steady stream of passive income.

The Loyal Customer Base

One of the key advantages of owning a laundromat is the consistent demand. After all, everyone needs to clean their clothes.

If you provide a clean, user-friendly space, you'll attract a loyal customer base. The laundromat business is also recession-proof, as people need to wash their clothes regardless of the economic climate.

Operational Expenses

After the initial setup, the only costs you'll need to worry about include routine maintenance, overhead like utilities and rent, and employee salaries if you choose to hire an attendant. However, many laundromats operate successfully with minimal staff, further reducing operating costs.

The Role of Technology

Modern technology can also help make your laundromat more autonomous. Digital payment systems, automatic detergent dispensers, and machine monitoring software can all contribute to a more hands-off business model.

Case Study: B.J.'s Coin Laundry

A good example of a successful laundromat business is B.J.'s Coin Laundry in Boynton Beach, Florida. The laundry shop is known for its commercial-grade, environmentally-friendly washers and dryers. Customer convenience is given priority, with a pickup and delivery service being offered.


In conclusion, laundromats are a promising option if you're looking for a business that runs itself. It may require a sizable initial investment, but the potential for steady, passive income is significant.

As we continue to explore auto-pilot businesses, our next stop will take us to a business model that capitalizes on a car owner's need for cleanliness: self-service car washes.

Self-Service Car Washes

Imagine owning a business that does the dirty work while you sit back and relax. Welcome to the world of self-service car washes, a lucrative, low-maintenance venture that can generate a steady stream of passive income.

Why Self-Service Car Washes?

Self-service car washes cater to the needs of car owners who prefer a hands-on approach to keeping their vehicles clean. The business model is quite straightforward.

Customers pay to use your facilities and equipment to wash their vehicles. The beauty of this model is that you're basically providing a space and tools for your customers to serve themselves, reducing the need for employees and allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life or business.

Lucrative Earnings

With each bay in your car wash estimated to earn around $1,975 per month, the potential for high returns is apparent. The more bays you have, the higher your monthly earnings can be.

It's a business that continues to generate income whether you're there or not, making it a perfect example of a true auto-pilot business.

Low Maintenance

One of the primary attractions of a self-service car wash business is that it requires minimal day-to-day involvement.

Your main responsibilities will be ensuring the equipment is in good working order, the facility is clean, and the security measures are effective. Regular maintenance checks and prompt repairs can help prevent costly damages and keep your business running smoothly.

Investment and Setup

Starting a self-service car wash business does require a significant upfront investment. You'll need to consider the cost of the land, construction, and car wash equipment. However, once these initial costs are covered, you can look forward to regular income with minimal ongoing expenses.


In the realm of businesses that run themselves, a self-service car wash is a strong contender. It combines the benefits of automation and self-service, leading to reduced labor costs and increased profits.

If you're ready to make a substantial initial investment that promises steady returns, a self-service car wash might just be the business you're looking for.

Now, let's shift gears and look at another business model that leverages the need for extra space: storage units.

Storage Units

Storage Units

Ever wondered where all the overflow goes when people downsize their homes or simply accumulate too much stuff? It goes into storage units, a business model that's as hands-off as they come.

Unlike some businesses, a self-storage facility isn't reliant on constant human interaction or supervision. Instead, it capitalizes on the ever-present need for extra space, making it a golden opportunity for passive income.

The Rundown of the Storage Facility Business

A storage facility business operates on a simple concept. You own or lease a building or land, divide it into units, and rent these to people who need extra space to store their belongings. From furniture and appliances to documents and seasonal items, these units can house just about anything that isn't perishable or hazardous.

Low Maintenance, High Returns

One of the biggest draws of a self-storage facility is its low maintenance requirement. Unlike a laundromat or car wash, you don't have to worry about machine malfunctions or costly repairs.

Your primary responsibilities lie in ensuring the units are secure and protected against vandalism, typically achieved through security measures like surveillance cameras and secure locks.

A Hands-Off Approach to Business

Self-storage facilities are a relatively hands-off business model. Once you've set up your facility and secured your tenants, the business essentially runs itself. Your tenants will typically sign long-term leases, providing you with a steady stream of income.

If you're not keen on dealing with tenants or managing the property yourself, you can hire a property manager to handle these aspects, making the business even more passive.

Maximizing Your Returns

To make the most out of your storage facility business, location is key. Facilities located near residential areas or business districts typically have higher demand. Furthermore, offering a variety of unit sizes and pricing options can attract a broader range of customers.

Final Thoughts

A storage facility can be an excellent source of passive income. It offers a steady stream of income with minimal maintenance and management responsibilities.

While the initial investment can be significant, the potential returns make it a worthy consideration for anyone seeking businesses that run themselves. If you have available land or a building, why not transform it into a money-making venture that requires little of your time? Sleep easy, knowing your storage facility business is working for you.



Wake up to a richer bank account with the simple yet lucrative business of ATM ownership. Yes, you heard it right, ATM machines. This is one of those passive income businesses that work silently in the background while you catch some zzz's.

Understanding the ATM Business

ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine. They're those handy machines conveniently located in pubs, convenience stores, hotels, and other high-traffic spots that dispense cash on demand.

As the owner of an ATM, you earn a small fee from each transaction made at your machine. This business model is all about volume—the more transactions, the more income you generate.

Setting Up Your ATM Business

To start an ATM business, you need to partner with banks or ATM providers to install machines in high-traffic areas. The initial cost can be substantial, but the returns are consistent and passive.

Once the ATMs are in place, your main role is restocking paper and ink as needed. Maintenance and upkeep are typically handled by the providers, making this a true hands-off business model.

Scaling Your ATM Business

One of the best parts about owning an ATM business is its scalability. Start with one or two machines and scale up over time as profits allow. The more ATMs you have in prime locations, the more income you can generate. It's a lightweight, hands-off income source that can be spread across multiple locations.

Maximizing Your ATM Business Profits

The key to maximizing your profits lies in the placement of your ATMs. High-traffic areas with a constant flow of people—like bars, hotels, convenience stores, and event venues—are ideal. The visibility of your machine is also a crucial factor. The easier it is for customers to locate and access your ATM, the higher your earnings will be.

Automating Your ATM Business

To make your ATM business truly hands-off, consider using ATM management software. This software simplifies billing and maintenance workflows, making it a set-and-forget business idea that offers lucrative returns for years to come.

In conclusion, owning an ATM business is like having a personal cash cow. It's a low-maintenance business that offers steady, passive income, letting you sleep easy while your business works for you.



Next on our list of auto-pilot businesses that generate passive income is the billboard business. Yes, you heard it right! Those massive signs you see along the highway can be your ticket to financial freedom.

In the digital age, many might think that traditional advertising methods like billboards are obsolete. However, this is far from the truth. Billboards continue to be a powerful advertising medium, with over 70% of commuters reportedly glancing at them.

This high visibility makes billboards a lucrative investment for businesses looking to grab attention in high traffic areas.

Starting a billboard business is relatively straightforward. You'll need to find a suitable location, secure the necessary permits, and then build or buy the billboard.

Once it's up and running, you can lease the space to advertisers on a monthly basis. The best part? It's a business that practically runs itself. After the initial setup, your main tasks will involve maintenance and finding new advertisers, which can often be outsourced or automated.

The key to success in this business is location. High-traffic areas or busy highways are prime real estate for billboards. It's also essential to keep the billboard in good condition, ensuring it remains an attractive option for advertisers.

One case study worth mentioning is David Pohlman, who bootstrapped his billboard business to over 5MM+ ARR. He started with a single billboard and grew his portfolio over time, demonstrating the scalability of this business model.

In conclusion, the billboard business is a low-maintenance, high-return investment that can generate passive income while you sleep. It's a testament to the adage, "If you build it, they will come." In this case, "they" are advertisers willing to pay premium prices for your high-visibility advertising space. So, why not let your business work for you while you enjoy a good night's sleep?

Parking Lots

Parking Lots

Turn empty spaces into money-making places with the auto-pilot business of parking lots. Parking is a necessity in this fast-paced world, with urban areas and high-traffic destinations constantly in need of more spaces for vehicles. Owning a paid parking lot or garage can be a fantastic way to secure a steady stream of passive income with minimal day-to-day management required.

Optimal Locations and High-Traffic Areas

The success of a parking lot business largely depends on its location. Prime spots near cities, popular venues, airports, and even shopping centers can provide an excellent return on investment.

The high volume of vehicles in these areas translates to a steady flow of customers willing to pay for convenient parking. This business model turns the simple act of parking into a profitable venture that operates round the clock, ensuring a consistent income stream while you sleep.

The Benefit of Automated Pay Kiosks

In the parking lot business, technology is your best friend. Automated pay kiosks can handle customer payments and issue parking tickets, reducing the need for on-site personnel.

These machines offer a convenient and efficient payment solution for customers, while also streamlining your business operations. With automated pay kiosks, you can effectively manage your parking lot business remotely, making it a true auto-pilot business.

Minimal Maintenance, Maximum Returns

After the initial setup, a parking lot business requires minimal maintenance. Routine tasks might include ensuring the pay kiosks are operational and the parking area is clean and well-lit. These tasks can be easily outsourced, leaving you free to enjoy the passive income generated by your parking lot business.

Scaling Your Parking Lot Business

As with any business, the potential for growth is an important consideration. Once you've established a successful parking lot, consider expanding your portfolio. The addition of more parking lots in different locations can significantly increase your income.

The scalability of this business model, coupled with its passive income potential, makes it an attractive option for those seeking businesses that run themselves.

In conclusion, a parking lot business can be a lucrative source of passive income. With the right location, automated technology, and a keen eye for maintenance, this auto-pilot business can provide you with a steady income while you sleep. So why not turn those empty spaces into profitable places with a parking lot business?

Rental Properties

Rental Properties

Say hello to rental properties, the final contender in our list of auto-pilot businesses for passive income. As the adage goes, "real estate is real wealth." This business model is a perfect example of an opportunity that allows you to earn money while you sleep, literally.

rental property business is an excellent option if you have some capital to invest in real estate. With the right investments, this business can turn you into a property mogul, earning from residential or commercialspaces. The beauty of this business model is that it provides a steady flow of income every month, with tenants signing long-term leases for one to three years.

There are many benefits of running a rental property business. One of the most significant advantages is the consistent and predictable income that comes from stable, long-term tenants. But that's not all. You also gain an appreciating asset that can significantly grow in value over time.

Maintenance and repairs are the primary responsibilities you'll need to handle. However, these tasks can be outsourced to a property manager if you prefer a more hands-off approach. In fact, hiring a property manager can free up your time, allowing you to focus on expanding your portfolio.

Like any other business venture, a rental property business comes with its share of challenges. Dealing with difficult tenants, unexpected repairs, and market fluctuations are some potential hurdles. But with good management and a strategic approach, these challenges can be mitigated.

In a nutshell, a rental property business is a fantastic auto-pilot business that can generate a substantial passive income while you sleep. It might require a hefty upfront investment, but the potential returns are worth every penny. So, if you have the capital and the patience to ride out the real estate market's ups and downs, this business could be the golden goose you've been searching for.

In conclusion, these 15 businesses prove that earning passive income while you sleep is not just a dream. Whether you're interested in affiliate marketing, vending machines, or rental properties, there's an auto-pilot business model out there that suits your skills, interests, and financial goals. All you need is the right mindset, a little bit of initial effort, and the dedication to make your passive income dreams come true..

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